Sunday 24 March 2019

Mixed Berry Jelly Dessert or Rote Grütze

Rote Grütze is a dessert from the Hamburg region of Germany. Mostly found in the North. In summer fresh berries are made into a kind of jelly with clusters of berríes still intact. The companion to this dessert is vanilla custard. Some eat it with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.

Mostly red fruits are used for it, but often mixed with blueberries and blackberries.

There are many ways to prepare it. Some call for a juice made of the berries without the seeds, some want all the berries intact. Mostly it is a mix of a juice base were the fresh berries are tossed in the last couple of minutes.

The jelly is made white or red wine or just fruit juice to the base, depending the occation. I blended 300 g of the fruits and just added some apple juice and a dash of brown rum.

recipe for 6:
750 g mixed defrosted berries
50 g sugar
25 g potato starch
120 ml apple Juice
20 ml brown rum

You can add more sugar if the berries are too astringend. But keep in mind, you will eat it with sweet Custard or other sweet things.

Take 300 g fruits and blend them, pour in a pot and add apple juice and rum and sugar and starch.
Bring to a simmer and cook until thickend. Add the rest of the berries and carefully warm them up.
Put into the fridge to cool down completely.

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