Wednesday 24 April 2019


This Hummus I learned to love during my roundtrip through Jordan 4 years ago. I ate it at breakfast, during lunch breaks and at the evening buffet.

Most larger tour group Hotels served some kind of internation breakfast, so everybody could find something that he or she usually ate at home. A small corner on every breakfast buffet had the Jordan breakfast items on display.

It is really interesting to watch people eat  breakfast when they are away from home.
They tend to go to their standarts, they are used to and seldom are new for something else.
The Italians had their Cappuccino with a sweet pastry and that was it. The French had a piece of Baguette and a Croissant and some coffee.
The Germans were looking for whole wheat or rye bread, an array of sausage slices and different cheeses and jams. Some eggs were good too.
The Énglish went for burnt toast, baked beans, sausages and eggs and a tomato.

Just a few of each Nation went to the Jordan Corner to check out, what was served there and ate that.
I was one of them.

The Jordan breakfast offered flatbread, green olives soaked in lemon, sheep feta, hummus, curd, hot and spicy tomato chunks and eggs.
I loaded my plate with hummus, curd, olives and feta and a bit of hot sauce.

One morning I asked one of the Cooks running around what they put into the very creamy hummus.
He did not give me measurements, but just listed the ingredients. Put everything in a strong blender and give it power.

recipe for 4:
500 g precooked chickpeas
180 g Tahini
150 g Greek yogurt
2-3 lemons
2 cloves of garlic
salt and pepper
olive oil
a  bit of spring onion greens
smoked paprika

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