Tuesday 28 November 2017

Preparing meals with just one working hot plate

This apartment kitchen has just 2 electric hobs. The bigger one is just getting warm and does not bring anything up to boiling temperature. I am cooking with the small one, so far I did not stay hungry.
It needs some planning ahead and juggling of pot and pan.
Best way to start the sauce first, keep it warm on the other plate and cook the pasta.

The first dish on Sunday was a basic spaghetti with tomato sauce, red onions and a bit of cooked specialty from the deli section of the supermarket: Filet Americana

This is finely minced raw beef with a good amount of paprika and chili powder which is eaten on bread in the Netherlands. You will find it there at any butcher shop and in the big supermarkets.

It is not the only spread that is eaten there. Pinda´s Kip (cooked chicken -Kip-  minced with salted peanuts -pinda-) and some fish spreads.

When you heat the Filet Americana in the sauce, it clumbs to small pieces and tastes like a fine beef hash. A good dose of  grated Gouda cheese finished the pasta dish.

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