Saturday 15 June 2019

Red Onion Jam

I have a friend who does not eat sweet desserts. She loves a plate of cheeses, maybe with some mustard or chutney instead. A dessert for all of us is my aim this time.

I watch a lot of YT and Food channels in the moment and I get a lot of ideas. The base for one recipe from South Africa is the red onion jam. In a combination with fruit and cheese, that sounds like something we all can enjoy as a dessert soon.

The peeling and chopping of 1 kg of red onions was a challenge for my now healing right hand. Working with a large knife is still not easy and after half of the onions, I had to rest a bit to continue later. But cutting all these onions with a small knife was not an option.

1 kg red onions
2 cloves of garlic
5 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp salt
200 g brown sugar
50 ml red wine
150 ml balsamic vinegar
1 stick of cinnamon
5 stalks fresh thyme
1 stalk fresh majoram
4 bay leaves
1/4 tsp mixed spice
1/4 tsp Piment d´Espelette

Peel and cut the onions and garlic in strips.
Heat up the oil and get the onions in on medium heat, coat them well in the oil and close the lid and cook them for 15 mn. Every 5 min, turn them with a wooden spatula. They should get soft, but not Brown.
Season them with salt and the other spices and cook 2 more min.

Increase the heat a bit and sprinkle the sugar all over the onions, stir well and let them caramelize for 5 min. Do not get your fingers in, it will be very hot.
Pour the wine and vinegar over and reduce the heat again and close the lid. Cook for 10 min, then get the lid off and cook for 35 min more.
Clean some mason jars and fill in the onion mix.

Eat it with cheese or spread it on pastry.

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