Monday 7 October 2019

Kaki or Persimmon baked in the oven with Risotto

The kaki fruit is found around this time of year. When you get some that are not too ripe but a bit firm, use them for a savoury dish.
Last year when I was in Japan, persimmon trees were full of fruits everywhere and some were sold at farm stands on attraction sides.

I found a recipe from the Süddeutsche Zeitung from Hans Gerlach.
The dish is good on its own with just some fresh bread, or serve it with a risotto as I did.
But with fish or chicken it works too.

Cut the kakis up into slices and put them on baking paper. Preheat the oven at 220 C fan.

2 kakis
4 twigs thyme
1 clove of garlic
2 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper
4 tbsp green olives
1 bunch of salad leaves
1 tsp lemon juice

While you get your oven up to temperature, start with the risotto first. It needs some time to get ready.
While it is cooking, you slice the Kaki with the skin into 12 pieces.
Get fresh thyme, garlic, salt and pepper and olive oil in a bowl and put the kaki in. Get them coated in the garlic mix.
Pour them on baking paper and spread them out, toss the olives on top and stick it in the oven for 10 min.
Now your risotto should be ready to finish with a knob of butter and freshly grated Parmesan cheese.
Cut the salad leaves up and with lemon juice, olive oil and seasoning it is a light salad on the side.

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