Thursday 17 October 2019

Mirza Ghasemi - Iranian Eggplant Dip

This is a recreation of one of the dips we had on our Eat-the-World food tour at the Iranian restaurant.

When you google the name of the dish, you will find lots and lots of varieties of the dish. But the main component is the eggplant.

My coworker loved the dip so much that she ordered me to prepare it and bring it to the office that we can feast on a larger quantity.

If you have a charcoal grill, do the dish the favour and grill the eggplants on it. Traditional is the dish a little smokey. I helped myself to some smoked tasted by using smoked salt in liquid form "King of Salt" Rauchsalz.

The base is a tomato sauce. Very easy for me, I just had to get a bag of tomato sauce from this summer out of the freezer. To make the sauce even richer, I grilled to red bell peppers in the oven and took the skin off later. That gave a good amount of flavour to the sauce.
A special seasoning is usually in the mix - Advieh. You can find it on the Internet or in middle eastern spice stores. But I used my trusted Baharat seasoning, it fits more or less the other spice blend.

recipe for 4:
2 eggplants
2 red bell peppers
2 Chinese single garlic
2 tbsp tomato paste
olive oil
2 eggs
smoked salt
salt and pepper
baharat seasoning
1 1/4 cup tomato sauce

Heat up the oven to 180 C fan.
On baking paper place the halves of the peppers.
Cut into the eggplant a couple of times and place them on the paper too.
Bake the peppers for 30 min, then get them out and put them on a plate and cover them with plastic wrap to steam. Get the skin off.
Bake the eggplant for 40 min longer, get them out and peel the skin off. Spray with smoked salt.
In a pot heat up a bit of oil and chop one garlic, and fry it off with the tomato paste.
Add the defrosted tomato sauce and cook for 5 min, now in with the cut up peppers.
Season with Baharat, turmeric, smoked salt, pepper and lovage.
Get the creamy part of the eggplant in and mix a bit with a stick blender.
Cook a bit more.

Mix the eggs with salt and pepper.
In a pan heat up some oil and add pressed garlic. Make a dry scrambled egg. Stir halve of that into the tomato mix, set the rest on top.

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