Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Onions filled with red Lentils and Dates - vegan

Oignons farcis aux Lentilles corail aux Dattes et au Persil is the original name of this dish. It is from the winter edition of my Gourmand magazine issues.

I love onions and red lentils and discovered during the cooking process that it was a vegan dish. 

It is good to prepare in advance and when you want to eat it, just pop it in the oven for 25 min.

Using some flat sweet onions was a good idea. They have an even bottom and are wide in the middle. Good for stuffing them with the filling. 

I cooked the peeled onions first for 10 min and let them cool down for 20 min. Then I cut off the top and pulled the middle layers out. That was easy. Just 3 remained for structural purposes.

The middle bit were chopped and went in the empty pot I used to cook the onions. Some oil heated up and I sauteed the onions for 3 min. Now in with tomato paste and let that cook a bit

Vegetable broth next and washed red lentils. Stir well and bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cover. Cook for 7 min.

Destone the dates and chop them, chop some parsley. Mix with the cooked lentils and season very well.

Stuff the onions and pile the lentils high. Cover with Panko and a little spray of oil. 

Preheat the oven to 180 C.

Bake for 25 min. A very tasty dish to enjoy, even if you are not a vegan.


2 flat sweet Spanish onions

60 g red lentils

180 ml veg stock

3 dates

3 stalks parsley

1 tbsp tomato paste

1 tbsp grapeseed oil

3 tbsp Panko breadcrumbs

Salt, pepper, paprika

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