Friday 14 June 2019

Eggplant in Tomato Sauce

I am still working mostly with my left hand. An eggplant is easy to chop up when you only can steady it with some fingertips.
When cutting it into cubes, making it a bit rustic is normal.

I saw on TV Canadian chef and presenter David Rocco preparing the eggplant.

He tossed the chopped up eggplant cubes into a pan that was 1/3 filled with olive oil.
I usually do not use olive oil for frying, but when they show it on TV, I do it that way.

It went well, I fried the eggplant in two batches. Otherwise the oil in the pan would have been too cold and the pieces on top of each other. It takes a couple of minutes until they get a bit brown and wrinkle. Drain them on kitchen paper an salt them a little.

I have still some bags of homemade tomato sauce from last season in the freezer. I took a bigger one out and defrosted it. It was one with a strong taste of different herbs and fresh Chili - home grown too.

I dumped the fried eggplant in and ripped some fresh basil to go with it.

It tasted very good, but the eggplant was a little too oily for my taste.
Now I ordered an Air fryer on Amazon and next time I am using this for my eggplant cubes.

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