Sunday 21 May 2023

Crispy Fried Onions, Wieners, Pesto filled Puff Pastry

What to do with a small leftover piece of puff pastry dough? The answer is: fill it with everything that is left over too and stick it in the oven. A treat!

After 12 minutes the Snack is ready. Did the weird combination work? Lets find out.

Use two rectangles of 15×12 cm of puff pastry. Spread 1 teaspoon of red pesto on top of each piece.

Do you like crispy fried onions? Then sprinkle a lot on top of the pesto. 2 small Wieners and 2 slices of Camembert each and now fold over the edges of the dough. Brush egg wash over it.

Bake them at 220 C for 14 min.

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