Sunday 23 February 2020

Sucuk Feta Ayvar Pasta

The cooking starts with sticking the head in the fridge. This is one of the recipes that develops while cooking. I had my monthly fridge check to look for forgotten ingredients. Do they still look and smell good even if they reached the expiration date? That date does not say anything about the quality, just rely on your senses. Many things are still good enough to eat. Do not throw them in the waste bin.

This time I wanted it to go with spaghetti. I sometimes use rice, potatoes, legumes or tortillas as a base and throw everything together. A fresh pastry sheet does work well too. If you are a lover of one pot dishes or soups or stews, this is the method for you.

From my Sucuk Burger I had one sausage left. Just 2 in the package is the minimum at Turkish supermarkets. Bigger packages are sold the most there. One was sitting alone in its plastic wrap in the back of the fridge. I had some feta with the eggplant pastasotto, from the 200 g package were just
80 g left. I found one lonesome slice of hard cheese, a bit dry around the edges and a package of Mozzarella strips for pasta. In the fridge door stood the leftover wine from the last weekend. And I found an open 2/ 3 empty jar of Avyar.

Sucuk has a nice and strong cumin flavour. Take the peel off and cut the sausage in 1 cm cubes.
Onions and garlic are the key ingredients to any kind of sauce. Use some of them, they are part in most households.

recipe for 1:
1 sucuk sausage
120 g spaghetti
2 shallots
3 cloves of garlic
1 tbsp olive oil
4 tbsp Ayvar
100 ml wine
80 g feta
1 slice hard cheese
50 g grated mozzarella

When the sausage is in the pan start the pasta. You will need a good amount of salted pasta water soon for your sauce.
After 4 min, add onions and garlic and give that 3 more minutes. Now in with the ayvar. When it catches at the bottom, add wine.
Now spoon in 1 ladle boiling pasta water and cook the sauce.
Break the feta in small cubes and add it to the sauce. Rip the hard cheese slice apart and toss it in.
Season to taste, but not so much is needed because a lot of the ingredients are already salty.

Finish with the cooked pasta and mix it in. Mozzarella and some parsley on top is great.

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