Monday 18 May 2020

Woodruff Syrup

This is a herb that is unknown in most countries.

Here in Germany most people know the bright green jell-o with the very special taste. Do not ask me how woodruff tastes. A bit floral, a bit herby. When you use the wild plant be careful. It contains some kind of poison. The small amount of coumarin in it can result in a headache.

The wine laced with woodruff is an old spring drink here in Germany. Most people suffering a hangover the next morning point at the woodruff. But overindulging the tasty spiced wine and the alcohol in it is mostly the reason.

For a couple of years I have a pot with a woodruff plant on my balcony. It comes back every year and does not need much care. During normal years I go to France and buy cidre traditonelle from Brittany at the supermarket there. I add fresh strawberries and some lemon and a good bunch of woodruff and have a nice drink on weekends.

But this year is different. I was in the beginning of February in France and bought just two bottles of the cidre. It was long gone before the woodruff season started. Nice mid March the borders to France are closed and will reopen for normal travel at June 15th. They opened this weekend, but only to visit families and friends and not for tourist or shopping reasons. When I can finally go there again, the woodruff season will be over.

I do not like the stuff in white wine. I needed something else to do with my plant. Syrup was the next thing that came to my mind.

500 ml water
375 g sugar
2 slices of lemon
50 g woodruff stalks
2 drops green pandanextract (optional)

Cut the woodruff the evening before you will use it. Wash it and let it dry on some kitchen towl.
Let it sit over night to wilt a bit. This intensifies the flavour.

In a pot heat up the water and the sugar and bring it to a boil. You can even reduce the liquid a bit to make it more syruppy. Put the woodruff in and let it cool down in the liquid and add the lemon. Let it sit for 5 hours. Stir some times.

Get the liquid through a sieve and back into the pot. Bring it to a boil and cook it for 3 min to sterilize. Fill in clean bottles.

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