Wednesday 6 December 2017

Okras or Yamas with pasta

I was on my last tour today and had to gas up my rental car to give it back tomorrow morning. Since you have to pay first at the cashir and then pump the gas, I filled the car up too much.  I decided against going strait back to the apartment and instead drove down to Punda instead.

I had a meager breakfast this morning and a nice coffie shop was my stop there.
A slice of Zebra cake and a good cappucchino later, I went back towards the Jan Thiel beach.

For todays lunch I wanted some veggies to go with my spaghetti and I went into the Lunapark Maximarket on my way back.
Most of the veggies were boring and a minute later I found one sole package of yamas or okras as I know them. They looked quite fresh and they went into my shopping basket.

I cut off the head and the tip and they went into boiling salted water for 5 minutes to give up some of their slime.

Then I made a tomato sauce with white wine and beef stock and onion and garlic and enough chili powder for a good kick. When the sauce had reduced enough, I cut up the okras into 1/2 inch pieces and dropped them in the tomato sauce to cook out some more of the slime and get softer.

A bunch of fresh coiander and the fresh cooked pasta went in and made a fine dish.

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