Tuesday 26 July 2022

Tagliatelle with fresh Figs

My fig tree is ready to harvest. Yesterday I picked 27 figs off the tree. 

The next couple of days until the weekend there are a lot more to harvest. Now I am drowning in figs. They do not have a long shelf life in the fridge, I need to stay on top of them. In the end I will take my fruit and veggie dryer out of the basement and make the others in to snacks for the fall.

But this is the first of a couple of recipes I am going to make. 

The sauce calls for a bit of curry powder. I went for my Vietnam Curry. That has a high content of cinnamon which goes great with figs. Not only are the figs ready to harvest. I cut off most of my pepperoni from one plant. They are only slightly hot for my taste, but help with the sweetness of the figs. 

The prep time for this dish is only the time you will need to cook the tagliatelle. If you peel the figs is up to you. They loose their consistency easier when they are peeled.

Recipe for 1:

110 g tagliatelle

5 figs

2 tbsp butter, 150 ml double cream, 25 g Parmesan

1 tsp Vietnam curry or any other available, salt, pepper, fresh dill, 1 red pepperoni 

Cook the pasta.

Wash and peel the figs. Chop the pepperoni and the dill.

In a large pan heat up the butter and saute the pepperoni. Add cream and curry and season with salt and pepper. Slice the figs and add them and cook on low for 5 min. Adf the drained tagliatelle and finish with dill.

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