Wednesday 3 July 2024

Watermelon Salsa

Summertime is watermelon time!

The only problem is that after one week with temperatures above 30 C, we are back to rain and wind and temperatues about 16 C.

My zucchini plant behind the house had two small zucchini gone black due to too much rain.

And it still raining the whole week.

But I needed something fresh going together with the piece of salmon I bought. That only went in the oven for 20 min at 180 C fan, just seasoned and with a bit of lemon.

The lemon juice went in the watermelon salad. 10 cm cucumber and a small red onion. Lots of black pepper and lemon salt. A bit of parsley and the refreshing salad was done.


Watermelon, cucumber, red onion, parsley

Lemon juice, olive oil, peppet, lemon salt

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