Monday 2 September 2024

Figs dried as a crunchy snack

When your figtree decides that half of its fruits are ripe on the same day, you are looking at a problem.

They wont last longer than 2 to 3 days when they are ripe. Fruitflys love them. Preparing more fig jam is always a way to get rid of them, but there are other ways.

Make them last a lot longer by drying them. In hot and dry climate, put them on a string and let the sun dry them. That is not working here.

Put them on a baking sheet and let your oven do the work - for hours.

If you have a dehydrator, stack the fruits and let the maschine do the work. Mine took 36 hours and I changed the layers during the day every 2 hours.

To prepare the figs. Wash them carefully. Put on a kettle filled up with boiling water and pour that over the figs. Drain them and cut them in slices. Layer the pieces and put the dehydrator back together and start the process.

When they are loose on the trays, they are dry. Store them in a glass container in the light.

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