Saturday 14 September 2024

Panini al Latte or sweet Dinner Rolls

I wanted to give the Italian Manitoba flour an other try. Luckily in the same cooking magazine issue which had the filled Brioche recipe, was this one. It took me some time to prepare it. 

But today was the day. The combination of high protein flour and the "00" flour is awesome and the dough felt so smooth in my hands. 

I did not use much fresh yeast, so the resting times are important. Do not rush the dough, let it have the time it needs to develop. I checked the optimal weight of a piece of raw dough for the panini al latte. Around 80 g a piece are good.


50 g softened unsalted butter

150 g Manitoba flour

350 g "00" flour

1/2 tsp salt

10 g fresh yeast

60 g sugar

300 ml warmed milk


1 egg yolk + 2 tbsp milk

Poppy seeds and sesame seeds

Put the ingredients for the dough in your kitchen maschine and let it make a dough. Oil a bowl and put the dough in. Cover and let it sit in a warm place 2 hours.

Sprinkle some flour on your work surface and knead the dough for 3 min. Form in to a log and use a kitchen scale to cut 80 g pieces.

Fold them to a ball and set them on baking paper. When they are all done, cover with a kitchen towel and let them rest 30 min.

Preheat your oven 200 C.

Mix egg yolk with milk and brush the rolls, put seeds on top and bake 15 to 17 min.

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