Saturday 7 September 2024

Fresh Herbs Curd with Potatoes

A Hessian special with a very Hessian name:

"Quellkartoffel mit Dup Dup"

Curd is a Central European milk product. Most of our Cheesecakes here are baked with curd instead of cream cheese. Less fat because different kinds of curd are available from low fat to higher fat content. 

It has a different structure to full fat Greek yogurt. People here in Germany, Austria and surrounding countries love it.

Many like it as a base of desserts, but eaten as it is with fresh cooked potatoes and a drizzle of linseed oil is very traditional.

I had 3 bunches of fresh herbs in my veggie drawer. I only used a part if them and needed a dish to use them up. I put the herbs in my Thermomix together with some sweet chestnut mustard and an entire package of curd and a good gluck of whole milk. A little piece of cucumber went in too.

I blended it, then added salt and pepper to taste. The curd went in the fridge until the potatoes were ready.

The potatoes were cooking in a pot in salted water, then peeled. A hot and cold combo, very tasty.

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