Tuesday 20 August 2024

Lentil Chips/Crisps with Dip

A couple of years ago the food industry came up with a "healthy" snack option than pototo chips.

They are made with lentil flour. Or pea flour or beets or sweet potatoes. They suggest the customers to eat the better snacks.

But that is a false promise. These new chips/crisps are as unhealthy as potato chips. Just more expensive and trendy and in a smaller bag.

I saw a Reel and thought: Why not? Red lentils are a staple in my household and boiling water is easy. Some spices and a hot oven.

The oven was still hot from baking the Zucchini Potato Parmesan Bake. I only had to pull the baked goods of the baking sheet and stuck fresh baking paper on it.

The lentils were soaked in a bowl for 3 hours, drained and put with boiling water and spices in a blender. Through a fine mash sieve until most water has run out. Spread thin on the baking paper and baked.

Soak 115 g red lentils in water for 3 hours, drain. 

Add 320 ml boiling water to them, salt, pepper and Italian seasoning and Bruschetta seasoning. Mix well. Drain and spread and bake

200 C fan 30 to 35 min. Break apart after baking.

The dip is just some cream cheese and Calabrese pesto. Together it tastes good.


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