Thursday 29 August 2024

Plum Compote or Zwetschgenröster

Zwetschgenröster is an Austrian plum compote. Often served with Kaiserschmarn or ripped pancakes.

But it goes well with plum dumplings too. They are on my to do list for Friday. The compote can chill in the fridge until then.

My BFF has brought me 3 cardboard boxed filled with fruits. She lives in a tiny village with lots of farms around. Some of her neighbors begged her to pick fruits from their trees. They have more than enough this year.

She can't prepare everything on her own and asked me to take some off her hands. Since we've met today to be together with some of our former coworkers, she unloaded her trunk and stuffed everything in mine.

Now I have to decide what to do with plums, pears, apples and even a garlic bulb.

Compote for most of the plums is a solution. Pear and plum jam an other. But I will spare some of them to make Austrian plum dumplings with compote. 

Put everything in a pot and cook until the plums are soft and mushy. You can reduce tge wine first with the spices to get the alcohol out.


200 ml red wine

50 g sugar

750 g destoned plums

1 star anise, 2 cinnamon sticks, 1 tsp ground coriander, 1 tsp mixed spice

1 tsp potato starch wit 2 tbsp water


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