Tuesday 28 May 2024

Bozner Sauce with Asparagus and Papardelle

I read a blog from "Arthurs Tochter Kocht" and started to laugh out loud. The recipe is not funny at all, but the way she starts talking about the background of the recipe.

Alto Adige or Südtirol is the northern part of Italy bordering Austria. The recipe is an egg based sauce served with vegetables. In Spring with asparagus. There is no addition of cream or mayonaise. The boiled egg is separated and the egg white is the finishing touch of the sauce.

Boil 2 eggs for 10 min and put them in cold water to prevent a green ring around the yolk. Cut them open and put the egg yolks on a plate and smash them in to a paste. Put that in a high blender glass. Add mustard, vinegar and hot beef stock and season with salt and pepper.

Use a stick blender and make a paste. Now pour in the oil and stay on the bottom of the glass and start blending. Like a mayonaise it will rise and then lift the stick blender up and finish.

Pour in a bowl. Now chop the egg white very fine and cut up the chives. The egg white has to be very small - do not make egg salad!

Mix eggs and chives with the sauce and serve over asparagus.

Ingredients for the sauce:

2 eggs hardboiled

1 1/2 tsp mustard medium hot

2 tsp white balsamic vinegar

3 tbsp hot beef stock

Salt, pepper

110 ml grapeseed oil or sunflower oil

Chives with some chive flowers

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