Wednesday 29 May 2024

Pistacchio Cream

The viral Dubai Pistacchio Chocolate has soaked up all pistacchio creams available in shops. I even went to an Italian Supermarket where I was lucky a couple of month ago to get some.

On my way back home I bought pistacchios in their shell and sat down at my table to take off the shells. A lot to do and I calculated that a bag with 250 g would bring 150 g of pistacchios.

Sadly no, just 100 g. Luckily I had a small 50 g package of already shelled at home. 

To prepare the pistacchio cream you will need a strong foodprocessor or Thermomix.


150 g cleaned pistacchios

1 large tablespoon icing sugar

190 ml whole milk

100 g white chocolate

30 g butter

Add pistacchios with sugar and 90 ml milk to the foodprocessor and mix well until you have some kind of paste. If it is still a little coarse, don't worry.

In a pot melt chocolate with butter and milk and cool it down a little. Add the pistacchio mix.

For a smoother texture put it back in the foodprocessor and give it a good mix.

Fill in some jar and put in the fridge over night.

It is interesting to check the ingredients listing on the pistacchio cream. When I read it I found lots of palm oil, thickeners and a lot less pistacchios than I thought. 

The homemade version is a lot nuttier.

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