Wednesday 1 May 2024

Cod breaded with deep fried Capers and Asparagus

The cod in a seasoned breading was very tasty. Combined with steamed asparagus with wild garlic butter a treat for the May 1st holiday today.

We have finally some kind of Summer temperatures. But only for 3 days, then the cold is coming back.

That let the asparagus prices still sit at a very high price. A long and warm period of time is needed that the prices will go down. I hope soon, otherwise this will be my smallest blog series about the German white gold this year.


750 g white asparagus, peeled and steamed

2 tbsp wild garlic butter

300 g cod

Salt and pepper

1 egg, 3 tbsp flour, 5 tbsp breadcrumbs, Tosacana seasoning blend

Oil and a knob of butter for the pan

2 tbsp capers in salt, washed and dried

3 caper apples

2 tbsp potato starch

150 ml oil for frying

Season the cod and heat the oil in the pan. Put the cod through flour, egg and breadcrumbs and put it in the pan on medium high heat. 3 min on the first side, add butter and cook 2 on the other side.

If egg mix is left on the plate, pour it in the pan.

Toss the dried capers/caper apples through potato starch and fry them 2 min. Drain on kitchen paper.



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