Monday 10 June 2024

Coffee Stop on the Way to the Nürburgring

My new hobby is calling me again. No, not cake eating! But driving the most dangerous racetrack in the world. The legendary Green Hell.

After a bit more than 2 hours on the German Autobahn, no not all the way derestricted, I arrived in Adenau.

Before checking in at my holiday apartment, I needed to pick up some groceries. The big supermarket has a large coffee shop and bakery attached to it.

I know it from other trips up here that the quality is great. Today there were a lot of people occupying the tables. But I found a spot. Dutch and Brits were the majority.

The selection of Danishes and cakes was big. It took me a couple of seconds to make a choice.

Orange Cheesecake and a large Cappucchino!

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