Sunday 2 June 2024

Crispbread or Knäckebrot

Bake in a waffle iron.

On YT I have found a Bread Sommelier, Alex Schmitt.

He shows easy recipes for home baked breads. I did not buy any bread this weekend but the ingredients for this waffle iron adventure.

I can recommend this kind of bread. Maybe a bit difficult to put butter on wafflebread. Just smear it in the crevisses of the bread.

Ingredients for 6 to 8 waffles:

130 g spelt wholemeal flour

130 g rolled oats

50 g sunflower seeds

50 g linseeds

1 tsp salt

1 tsp smoked paprika

1/4 tsp white pepper

150 g Greek yogurt

300 ml water

Stir it together and let it sit 15 min to absorb the liquid. Preheat the waffle iron.

Bake in any kind of waffle iron, but the deeper the better. It takes about 10 to 15 min until the crispbread is ready. When the steam reduces, check the waffles.

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