Thursday 20 June 2024

Vegan mixed Veggie, Beluga Lentils and Oat Rice Soup

That tastes a lot better than it sounds!

I had to prepare my jars of veg stock paste for the next couple of month. The amount of leftover veggies is the reason for this soup. I could have cooked a pure veggie soup, but I wanted some protein and some carbs.

This time the protein is plant based. I have so many different colored lentils at home. While dusting my storage place, I found the Beluga lentils. Little black pearls. 

Beside the lentils was the Tupperware container filled with French oat rice. I bought that in France, but only cooked some of it once. These were the carbs for the soup.

The soup itself has a light green tint. Mist of the veggies were from the green vareity.


60 g oat rice

60 g Beluga lentils

4 tsp homemade veg stock paste

2 tbsp olive oil

650 ml hot water

2 celery stalks, 2 Swiss chard colored, 2 green onions, 1 Bok choy, 

350 g broccoli florets

Pepper, 2 tsp paprika, 2 tsp smoked paprika, salt

Cook the oat rice first in a small pot for 12 min. Drain and cool down. Cook the Beluga lentils for 25 min and drain and cool down.  Chop all veggies.

In a large pot heat up the oil and toss all veggies in. Let them get a bit soft. After 6 min add the veg stock paste and the hot water. Season, but be careful with the salt. There is a lot in the veg stock paste. Reduce the heat to low, cover with a lid and cook for 15 min.

Take a stickblender and make a coarse soup. Add oat rice and lentil and cook for 5 min. Check the seasoning.

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