Sunday 23 June 2024

Egg grated on a Sandwich

A fancy way to present a toast with egg on top.

Make it more economical and more profitable. Some restaurant owner may have come up with this for whatever reasons. Made it a trend and the Internet loves it.

One egg is enough for two slices of toast.

I saw that a couple of times, mostly on avocado toasts. But sometimes this combination gets lame. Something different as a base was what I was looking for in my fridge. Smoked ham looked good to me. And one of my homegrown cucumbers. 

Yesterday I bought some cornbread at the bakery. I love it a lot and it keeps fresh a couple of days too. A thick slice of it went in a buttered pan to get toasted. Ham and cucumber on top.

A hard boiled egg and a microplane came next. Grated egg on a sandwich. 

Lets say, it is an Internet trend. It makes a lot of mess and it tastes just as a slice of egg on bread.

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