Saturday 8 June 2024

High Protein low Fat Mayo Potato Salad

I am usually not a big fan of Mayo Potato Salad. In some regions of Germany (Rhineland) it is often a mix of 50% potatoes to 50 % Mayo. But I had to give this a try.

The components reminded me a bit of the Bozner Sauce from 2 weeks ago, minus the large amount of oil and the use of the whole eggs from the beginning.

The sauce is a lot lighter and a bit more runny. But poured over slightly warm potatoes, it gets soaked up a bit.

I used my homemade veg stock paste and dissolved it in hot water. You will need a strong mustard and a good vinegar to balance the mayo.

Using just 20 ml of grapeseed oil lowers the fat content. Put eggs, mustard, vinegar and pepper in a high blender and use a stickblender to cream it. Add oil and veg stock and blend more.

Check the seasoning. Since my vegstock paste contains enough salt, I did not need to add any more. Just some dried Italian seasoning.

I used large salad potatoes and put the chopped onions in boiling water for 1 minute. The salad is for 2 days, that way the onions wont get sharp.

Some parsley and chives and the salad was done. Prepare it in advance, it will need some time to develop the flavour.


3 hardboiled eggs

20 g grapeseed oil

50 ml veg stock from paste

3 tsp Dijon mustard

3 tbsp vinegar


Italian seasoning

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