Saturday 29 June 2024

Lentils with Indian Trail Mix Topping

The guys at SortedFood served a "Breakfast dish" that had some kind of pulses as a base and was topped with a crunchy Indian mix.

I used red lentils but added some seasoned pork meat, here in Germany called Mett. Raw pork usually smeared on breadrolls and topped with raw onions. That is a breakfast dish here, but not everyone loves that.

But this pork is easy to use in a cooked dish. It is ground very find and seasoned and very tasty.

A lot of veggies went in first. The meat followed after 5 minutes. The red lentils were cooked separately in some unsalted water. They just need 10 minutes and went in the pan with the cooking water 

Sambal olec and Ayvar and some veg stock paste followed next.

Put that on a plate and top it with the Indian trail mix.

I only had some bread with it.

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